Monday, August 8, 2011

How many person you know Named KAREN?

As my old friend used to say... Karen... Name of 1 out 10 women...  back In Elementary a have a friend name Karren, Spelled KARREN, actually were 3 Karen, Maria Karen, Karren, And me... In High again were 3 karen, Karen Rose, Karen Idonna, and me... My college life was different No one Name Karen aside from me... and that only becuase Were 4 women out 27 in that class. How happy i am to be the only Karen, but the irony of it, every one wants to call me Gina...  After college is work... and in work were 2 karen,  Karen Rose and Me... KAREN the most ordinary Karen i heard... i never known a person name karen and just be Karen..... All off karen I've known is either had 2 names or Karen would spelled differently... And that why i find my self ordinary... Just as simple Karen... Maybe that the reason... why i’m like this... my name fits me... Karen a Ordinary name, A ordinary Person... How i wish i could be special...  like having special talent, like singing, dancing, or just being good in any sport, or maybe just having an higher IQ. Sometimes i pity myself for not knowing what is the different between a patronal and pastoral, for not knowing what is the right pronunciation or spelling of word. Sometimes people took me for granted and it hurt me a lot. But looking back again. 1 out of 10 mother, want to name their daughter KAREN, a beautiful name for a lovely girl, Name of a famous singer, brilliant scientist, great actress, My Name, and maybe someday would make a simple stories that will touch every one who had  a simple heart. And i know i can live not being special, for i know God’s love me for who i am..

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