Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Dear Dan

I Love you…. Yes!!! I finally said it… I know I know, I see the sign and I ignore it, it’s actually my fault, and she is not a consolation prize and you love her, but I love you too, so Here’s a thing,
I hate it when you said your getting married and I'm the first one to know.
I hate it when i need to be there in your wedding day. 
I hate when you said she don’t make coffee for you, and all you want is to start your day she - making you a cup of coffee, when you can just buy coffee maker instead of marrying her.
I hate that i need to lie, when she's asking me question.
I hate it when you said i would find much better who would appreciate me.
I hate it when your complaining about your married life, when I just broke up with my boyfriend because His not you, 
He never laugh at my silly joke like you do.
He hates me when I'm not being nice, while you always encourage me to be mean girl
He hates that sometime i forgets. but your used to it
He hate me when i criticized him, but you know I'm just being sweet.
He doesn’t like me talking too much
He doesn’t know that i used to wear hairbands
He sleeps watching old movies.
He find me being sarcastic when i just being witty
I know you cared, I know you love me
Let me be just be a bitter person for now, 
Sorry Sorry, I could listen anymore, 
Sorry I would need time to be OK, 
Sorry if I'm dwelling of WHAT IF's
Sorry I'm not happy you being happy
Sorry I cant be a friend to you now

I always say we have a great connection as friends, you even said you'll always be their for me, 
And i remember telling you their is no YOU and ME, we just have friendship.
but I was wrong, 
Because the Truth is you're the only person that know all my secrete and seen me in my worse, but still accept me. 
Were running in the same circle, so maybe when I meet you again, 
and we can be friends again
and maybe we can watch movie together two seat apart. 
For NOW I don't KNOW Dan Humprey .


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