Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What do you Dream?

I always wish I could write something that worth reading., I’m a romantic person in my mind and realistic by nature, and I don’t know that two be combine, In my head I imagine beautiful love stories, and in reality I just can’t help but be realistic, that life is not about finding a dream man.. but life is finding a high paying job that can sustain all basic needs, and yes in real life it all about money and job, society dictate you as what kind of work you do, Your  street weeper if you clean the street, You’re a garbage collector if you collect garbage, and even if you have degree in Engineering but you are answering someone calls, then you no longer a Engineer you’re a call center agent, and you’re lucky if your job is what you attained in school, and then again you are what your job is, Your Dr. Juan Dela Cruz, Engr. Juan Dela Cruz, Atty. Juan Dela Cruz and if you are a public official you are Cong. Juan Dela Cruz,. You see you no longer Juan.. but instead you are what is your job is. Sometimes I wonder why, why all the time my parent introduce me to someone they would never forget to tell I am finish this course, I’m currently working at. And then people will remember you as what is your job is, and as my brain wondering I wonder and wonder, how can be romantic in real life, why can I just be wishful and not realistic, and I go back, go back when dreaming is a wonderful thing, when I just a young girl that only wish is to have his mother around and will fix her dress, will tie her hair and tell her beautiful story, but again it will be just a dream. That I could also have a dream man, a dream man who stayed with me, laughs at my silly joke, hold my hand when I am scared, but also I can be his dream girl who would tell him nice things and never demand anything from him. I could help but just to dream....

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